Email marketing is essentially direct mail, done electronically instead of through the postal service. This type of marketing gives you the ability to send automated, personalized messages that go directly to the contacts on your mailing list.
You may have been asked before by a company or artist to sign up for their mailing list, either in person or on their website. A mailing list can help you connect with both new and current audience members in a personalized way. One of the benefits of email marketing is that you can target specific groups of people from your audience, or even specific individuals. Offering individual customers special deals on their birthday for merchandise or services is one way to do this.
You may have been asked before by a company or artist to sign up for their mailing list, either in person or on their website. A mailing list can help you connect with both new and current audience members in a personalized way. One of the benefits of email marketing is that you can target specific groups of people from your audience, or even specific individuals. Offering individual customers special deals on their birthday for merchandise or services is one way to do this.